Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Heavens Declare...

One of the sites I frequent is Astronomy Picture of the Day. They show a picture a day with a brief description from an astronomer. Whether you read the description or not, the images are gorgeous. This is one of those images (click said image if you want a better look at it):

"In the heavens there is nothing accidental, nothing arbitrary, nothing out of order, nothing erratic. Everywhere is order, truth, reason, constancy ...I cannot understand this regularity in the stars, this harmony of time and motion in their various orbits through all eternity, except as the expression of reason, mind and purpose ...Their constant and eternal motion, wonderful and mysterious in its regularity, declares the indwelling power of a divine intelligence. If any man cannot feel the power of God when he looks upon the stars, then I doubt whether he is capable of any feeling." -Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods.

There exist in creation so many things that bring about awe and wonder, that speak of transcendence. I don't know how anyone can escape that greater things are happening than can be accounted for by simply "matter plus energy plus chance." And on a lighter note because I just love this song:

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